

What is death? It is a mystery. What is a mystery? something that is difficult or impossible to understand or explain. A puzzle is a mystery, a secret or more closely thriller movies are mysterious in some way. I like the idea of the puzzle more though as it gives me an insight on this mystery of death. 

We don’t have to complicate things by looking up the meaning of the word puzzle I already checked on google just incase you’re wondering that’s why I’ve decided not to go with it. Let’s work with what we know. 

Someone I care about lost someone and I didn’t want to say anything to them Because I didn’t know what to say. What is there to say? As I heard the events that led to death I felt a sadness and sorrow that I couldn’t understand. Like a dread. Despite me not being so close to the person I felt for a moment the emptiness my loved one feels. 

I prayed for them and hoped to escape the whole issue but as I talked to my good friend, she asked me what I think about death and I thought for a bit I said random stuff you know but then she mentioned something that was interesting. She said what did God tell Adam and Eve would happen if they ate from the tree? We said it together, they’d surely die. Then she says so, sinners die. This made me think a lot and I wondered about what she has said I couldn’t say no but I still didn’t get it so I asked her to explain. And she did. And in as much as I’d want to tell you what she said, I want you to think about what she said and give and answer. Do you think you’ll die one day? Why? Is it true sinners die? What did she mean by that? 

Well I’ll ask her to write everything in detail to me and I’ll probably share it in another article for you. 

Well after this conversation I found myself going back and forth in my mind about death and all. I remembered Jesus wept. Jesus died too. How come Jesus died after taking our sins? Is sin the true cause of death? 

What is death? Well like I said let’s use a puzzle. A puzzle has pieces that make up a whole picture, each piece gives us a little information, but until the whole puzzle is assembled it doesn’t fully make sense, especially if you don’t know the image you’re making. 

Well I think it’s the same with death. I think we have pieces and bits but we never seem to get the bigger picture. We only know a bit about it and we also invent pieces by speculating. I wonder what pieces you have about it but here are mine:

  1. Death is a sleep without dreaming or breathing. It’s the body without the spirit that God breathed in. It’s an unconscious state. 
  2. Death is horrible but the Good God not being responsible for it, still tries to use it for good?
  3. Death is a way of protection- the Bible says precious is the death of God’s children in his sight. What if death is also a way of God hiding his children and keeping them safe for the wicked one? Have you ever had a moment of thinking I’m so close to God I wish I can die now, because you know when He comes back you’ll see Him. What if we can see the good in it? 
  4. Death is a way of destruction by Satan. He keeps souls away from God’s kingdom before they could repent or accept Him. 
  5. Death can never  be familiar or we can never get used to it. Every time it comes , it stings differently and the pain is new. 
  6. Death is rest for the tired. What of people that have been sick for so long? Or that have been troubled. Job longed for death as a way of escape. When life gets hard many people desire death just to stop it all. 
  7. Death can come before one’s appointed time. It’s possible to cut our own lives short, that’s the only time we can rule over death. 
  8. One day death will be over, since its power over us is in sin, and sin will be destroyed one day, meaning death will end too. Death will give back our loved ones it has stolen. Those who have believed in Jesus. 
  9. For a believer in Jesus, death is just a sleep and a pause. 
  10. Death is painful and a bad sneaky thief.

These are my pieces of this mysterious puzzle. I don’t know what you think about it but I hope it gets you to think about your own pieces too. What do you think? 

It’s okay to grieve- remember Jesus wept too. Remember also to weep with hope because we will see our loved ones again. 


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