Worship …Creation or Resurrection ?
Worship …Creation or Resurrection ?
The question “what’s my purpose in life?” Or similar thoughts have crossed many peoples minds. Why am I here? What does it matter? Why is this happening to me? All these questions are asked only by human beings who have the power to reason. These questions are asked and we desire to find an answer. Unconsciously we know that’s there’s someone greater than us we expect to answer us. Our inner being knows there’s someone/ something out there able to clarify our questions. And from this, many have figured out their paths. Others have become Theists others Atheists. Others have developed other ideas and have found other things to keep them busy from having such questions again.For a Theist the answer is easy “-God-“ is out there and even if it seems like an easy answer, later we found that it’s the only thing that can’t be explained.
For an Atheist-No God- things just happen and luck,randomness, evolution or Big Bang etc are answers. But they are all easily explained and figured out yet with many unanswered questions. The fact that they are all explained makes them insufficient to give evidence for certain reasons that are complex to understand. There are many other beliefs out there but I’ll focus on the two.
You see for a theist, they believe in a God and the reasons why they believe in him is they know that He Created them with a purpose. The most comforting realization is We have a Creator and in him we have a purpose. And we don’t have to figure everything out on our own. The most important attribute as to why we worship Him is because He is a creator, and even in His book, we find that He, Our God, introduces himself as a creator, And He says besides him there’s no other. We find in the Bible that all creation should worship Him because he is the creator. His marvelous work speaks for Him. Because man’s realization of God comes from creation, there have been many efforts to run off the idea of a creator.
And this is more seen today, in place of the creation idea, evolution and science. It’s like for a moment creation is losing. Atheism has increased rapidly in the previous years. But when studied closely, this increase hasn’t been because of lack of evidence of a creator, but has been sought as a way of escaping the creator and seeking freedom from Him. Modern atheism has its roots in avoiding the guilt or being answerable to a higher power but only living on your terms independent of any deity.
For a theist the reason of worship is because of having a Creator God. And so we adore Him. Not only did he create but He also Redeemed us.
Nature recognizes its Creator and obeys his Laws of nature but Humanity (theists) recognizes its creator but questions to be obey His laws of morality.
I believe if theists want to hold on strongly to the idea of being created then they should hold on tightly to that which points that they were created and is proof that their Creator is the one in charge. Nothing should replace this proof because it’s our basic foundation of remembering our Creator and this I believe is found in His Seventh day that he rested on and gave to humanity. It’s not a matter of what day (see reference), it’s a matter of understanding why the seventh day and worshiping him because He is a creator. It’s not just any other day as we would believe but this day is a symbol just as the Bible says. We know we are his people because he created us. So the Bible says this day is a sign that we are theist who believe in creation. I believe it’s not a matter of denomination but a realization of really who our Creator is and that the sore purpose that we worship him because he is our creator.
The Christian world today has substituted this day of remembrance of creation for a day in memorial of the Resurrection of Christ and really that’s why we worship on Sunday today. But as war rages in the world today of our origins and who we are? Who’s in charge? Maybe it’s time to realise that we have a creator and he gives us a day in his word to remember we are precious and not from apes. Once more we worship because we have a Creator and He has given us a reason to worship him and his word says “worship Him who made the heavens and the earth etc” His word doesn’t say worship him because he rose from the dead on the first day. The battle of God and Satan is really of worship and so we have to be careful how we define and who we render our worship to. Again this is not about denomination but seeking to do what the Creator says. NOTE: First day in Christianity,Judaism and Islam is Sunday. The bible confirms and today we celebrate Easter.
I hope this article challenges you to understand why you worship the way you do and who you worship. Christ came and He too worshiped on the day of remembrance of creation and even after he ascended, His disciples still worshiped on a day that proved existence of a Creator and not his resurrection.
At the end of it all, this makes sense for us because if we are part of creation, it means we also have a set of laws to obey just like nature has. And it’s interesting to find that among these laws there’s one that shows Man the Creator and tells him how to worship Him.
The idea of worship on sunday in respect to the resurrection of christ was a command made by Constatine and there's no authority for that change from the bible.
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness" 1 Timothy 2:15.
"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me".
Awesome, insightful and well researched article. Keep writing! We are reading.