FEAR- False Evidence Appearing Real


Is your fear of "Sinning again" keeping you from totally surrendering to Jesus? 

Do you ever think like mmmh, even if I stop and choose Jesus there’s a high chance I’ll fall in the same sin again. Why not just stop even trying? I can just keep doing this same thing. I get by anyway and no one even knows or cares. Maybe it’s not even that bad. Maybe God understands and it’s okay for me to do this since we are not perfect, we all struggle with something don’t we? It’s not like I’ve never tried to stop but I have been failing. And this is how I actually connect with my friends too.

But have you also seen people talk about Jesus healing them or delivering them from something maybe like yours or even worse and at the same time admired them like I wish for that too. How can Jesus deliver me too? But we don’t think much about it we just say deep down, without words 'I wish I could experience that too'. Our hearts long but we look within ourselves and realize that we can do nothing. Maybe Jesus isn’t for us in that area. And so after listening to the testimony we are left with a longing that seems impossible to be filled and then we go about our normal days. And things do not seem bad until you struggle with your thoughts again about the sin you’re struggling with. Maybe it's shame but not sure what it is. Okay, stop right there.

Firstly, you’re not alone. And truly many Christians you’re watching in those testimonies or are seeing have been exactly where you are. You’re not different. Many people even in the Bible have felt the way you feel, they all did. But only one thing is different between you and them - FEAR.  I thought the verse in Timothy wasn’t a big deal but oh Boy it surely is and so is every verse. 

God has not given us a spirit of fear but if power, love and a sound mind. 

Fear is holding you. False evidence of things appearing real. 

You’re scared of losing yourself, you don’t know what will become of you if Jesus actually changed you. Fear is holding you back from crying that cry -Jesus Son of David have mercy on me- you’re scared if you say it He will hear and He will change you and you’re scared you might lose your friends and everything that’s giving you meaning now. You’re held captive by fear of things you’re expecting to happen after accepting Jesus. And so you’re okay having a casual friendship with Jesus. But there’s really no such thing. Satan is keeping you there so that you don’t come to Jesus. In Jesus there’s perfect Love and perfect love casts out fear. 

You’re afraid of how your life might turn 'upside down' if you totally surrendered. You don’t know what will happen. Fear of uncertainty. Will you still be cool? Happy and have all the friends?


What will happen if you truly accept Jesus? 

Well one thing is for sure, you cannot come in the presence of God and remain the same. You cannot give yourself completely to God and still remain the same. We remain the same only if we give part of ourselves to God. And giving part of ourselves is not surrendering. 

If you’ve been convinced by God and his love and all, you’ll give part of yourself. But if you’ve been converted you’ll give your whole to God. And often time we find that the things we were even scared of are not real. I’ll not say anything more but give you time to really look at yourself. You know yourself better. Is Jesus only a part of your Life or is He your life?

Not to scare you, but if He is only a part of us, we cannot be his fully and we'd think He knows us but in the end those sad words could fall on us, "depart from Me , I never knew you."

It’s either we are His 100% or we are not His at all. Jesus will take care of you He has promised. I know you’re afraid but what if all your fears are only false evidences of things appearing true? 

You never know until you try.  But also what if it’s true you lose everything? Well he says if you lose your life for my sake you’ll find it. I am the Way the truth and the Life. And he promises peace. 

The only difference between you and those in testimonies you watch is that they walked passed that same fear you're having now. They walked out in FAITH.

We cannot experience the peace of God until we surrender everything to him. 

Are you scared of his will and surrendering? It’s okay. Tell him. Present all the fears you have to Him and then ask him to help you surrender. We don’t repent on our own you know, we repent because of His goodness. He’ll be so good to you and you’ll want nothing but to surrender. Truly a Good God. No? The goodness of GOD leads us to repentance. 

He has everything already figured out. He knows you so well. Know that song Just as I am? Yes that song says with all your fears and doubts just come and tell him everything. In his own way and time He will make you fitted and worthy. He will give strength for what is needed. He will be your buyer on the heavenly shopping spree-probably not the best word but you get my point. Just come. God will call some of us to walk away from bigger things than others. Things that we’ve held so dear to our hearts could be taken away. But there’s one beautiful thing in this, God doesn’t leave it all up to you, He gives you all the strength and the peace you will need. Yes you’ll cry but your crying will be different. There will be nothing heavy or holding you down. You’ll just be crying for separation or more like mourning but you’ll have peace such that when crying you’ll ask yourself, where’s that heaviness that is supposed to come when crying? God is good and wise. 

He doesn’t do something just to hurt you. No He is love. You need to understand that as  Christians the objective of trials is for the character of Jesus to be formed in us. God is not a sadist who wants to see you sad. He has prepared everything you’ll ever need for your happiness more than you can imagine. His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. He will take care of you. He will give you strength for everything He will tell you what to do. He is that good.You’ll never know till you try it and experience it yourself. God loves you He can never hurt you. 

Have your parents ever done anything to hurt you on purpose? Mom told me to stop playing with Maggie not because she wanted me sad but she wanted my character to be good and she knew that Maggie taught me bad manners. I wish I had listened to mom but thank God for Grace.

You know, its not you who saves yourself, you can never do that. Jesus is the and the bible  says He is faithful and just to accomplish the work He will start in you and He is able to keep you from falling. So, stop overthinking. HE KNOWS BEST. All you need to do is make the first step, pray, tell him all your fears don't hide anything.

Share the verses you think support these ideas in the comments.


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