What is 'Christian Salvation'?
How come everyone knows that lying is wrong and even stealing? Whether a believer or not? How come humans have this sense of morality? There’s a conscious in every human being, it never seems to leave but we can silence it as much as we can.
This is evidence of the God we find in the Bible to me, He claims that He has written the law in everyone’s heart, He claims to be the one responsible for it! He has given this sense of morality. Romans explains it in detail, but men have chosen to silence it. Nevertheless, this God also has a law and that law is a standard. So whether we believe or acknowledge Him or not the fact that His first claim (law-inwardly) is true for everyone, I believe this law- he stands by is true also.
What does this mean? It means according to His law we have all failed to meet the requirements- this is called sin( transgression of the law) have you ever lied? Stolen or envied(coveted)? Well you’ve broken His law. Whether we know it or not. And Romans tells us all have sinned (Transgressed the law) and the law requires that the one who breaks it dies.
We believe we are good people until we look at the Law, you see Paul explains this well, the law shows us our sin clearly and every human being has sinned and has no capacity to meet the demands of Law. If you don’t believe this how about a challenge? Maybe two days or one, try in your own strength to do all that the law says- share your experience. Remember Jesus said not even in thought are we to sin.
So the thing here is yes we’ve sinned and we deserve death. God’s law demands us to die. But God being just, cannot excuse sin and let it go unpunished- imagine if a Judge in court forgave a rapist-because his the son and let him loose, you’d want that judge out. He is not just right?. But we want God to do that well He cannot do it simply because He has great integrity and is true to himself He says He is Just. So how is God going to show mercy to his children and be just as the same time?
Well a judge whose son has just been fined by him can step out of the judge seat, stand in the dock and take money out d his own pocket and pay the fine. Then the son can go free and the law would be satisfied. The fine is paid ! By who? The same father who fined the son!
God has done the same. God came down Himself in the person of Jesus. To pay this fine. But the fine was death and so he died . But He also did something beyond this, he made it possible for people(anyone who wants) to have strength through Jesus to meet the demands of His law so that they don’t fall under it's condemnation. This is Grace.
So instead of the death we deserve, we only need faith in that Jesus died on our behalf and accept him,believe on Him. And we are free from death- we are justified because we wear his robe of righteousness. To be justified you need to accept Jesus personally first. He died for everyone who would accept Him. If you have not accepted him as your personal Savior you’re still condemned by the Law and death -eternal death is your sentence. But it doesn’t have to be like that. That’s why Jesus came. He says “ I come that they might have life in abundance.”
But this grace cannot be appreciated if we do not see our sinfulness or need of a Saviour. But just because we don’t see the need doesn’t mean death has left. You’ll only see your need as you read the Bible. You’ll see your sins glowing and the need of a Savior will arise. This all begins with prayer (asking God to guide you). You can be a good person to the people in the world but what does God have to say about you? Find out by reading the Bible.
Ps. Ignoring this doesn’t mean you’ll escape the penalty and so does knowledge on this only to remaining the same. If you don’t believe in God -how do you explain your conscience and what if He exists? Remember if we believe and find God does not exist we have nothing to lose but if We don’t and find he Does, we havean Eternity to lose.
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