Was it worth it?

Was it worth it?
I thought If I could top the whole school and get the best results, then “Yes! A step closer, I did it, best or nothing,GO GIRL!”. I wouldn’t want anything more. I thought it was the most important thing and I gave it my all (it's all I cared for at that time anyway) more than I should have because I sacrificed important sleep. And when I did it, I was too tired to celebrate. And now that energy I lost isn’t coming back. But I have a new goal that I want so badly again (how come? I thought I wouldn’t have another,.), I’m tempted to overuse my energy again, is it worth it? I always think I will be satisfied. But that has never been the case..
Come on Sibeso, you know better. This cycle doesn’t end.
I’m learning not to do too much, at the expense of my health and comfortability, but just what I'm supposed to do. Running an extra mile isn’t always wise or necessary. When you're done, you’ll need that energy to walk home.
Dream big but not at the expense of your energy. At the end it’s not really worth it. Rest when you need to. Sleep when it’s bed time. Relax when you need to. Your body needs that. Am not saying you should aim low. Aim high but with sense. Work smart.
Dreams will never end, so leave some energy for the next. All is vanity, but the most important thing is having the best moment and fun. That’s all that matters. We mostly tell ourselves "if only I could get that, then I will be happy, that's it". Now that you got it, are you happy as you thought you would? are you satisfied with it? Or do you still want more? Whether yes or no, just make sure you enjoy your next dream each step of the way. That's all that matters.
fire loops (source: Genessa Panainte on Unsplash)- Image
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