Choice builds willpower
I see one thing lacking here, the understanding of choices and how they shape us and how small steps still count. There are misfortunes in life but we can’t just blame it on chance and time, blame yourself sometimes for the choices you’ve made because really we do shape our own lives in a very significant way. If we would be more responsible for ourselves and truly be accountable, we wouldn’t be bitter towards ourselves or others. We all have the power of choice and if you help someone and they still don’t turn out well, don’t be too hard on yourself maybe it’s their choice that shaped them.
We all are individuals responsible for our choices don’t be too worried with other peoples choices affecting your life and being tied to their possible wrong choice, remember you too have a choice to make that can bring you closer to feel the others consequences or not to feel them at all. That’s all a choice.
I’m learning to really practice the power of choice so that I’m fully aware of every small step I take and really accountable for myself without always wanting to blame my ways on anybody.
The same way we choose happiness, I think we choose sadness and anger too. It’s all a choice. This is what I’ve figured out in my short years of life. No matter how much you can advise someone or wish good for them, make opportunities for them or whatever it may be, the end result will only depend on what THEY choose. So don’t be too hard on yourself with peoples outcomes. We are all individuals with the power of Choice. But now this idea makes me stuck between two ideas, praying for others and allowing them have their own choice.
Is that why we should Pray for His will?
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